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Sealed with a kiss(以吻封缄)-Brian Hyland

kiss(以吻封缄)-Brian Hyland 第1张" data-src="https://lw.oooc.cn/zb_users/upload/2021/04/20210418123916_38295.jpg">Sealed with a kiss(以吻封缄)-Brian Hyland  第1张
1940年奥斯卡最佳影片金像奖的《蝴蝶梦》是一部古典的浪漫情节剧,故事幽邃、曲折,一个传奇的爱情故事。主题曲《Sealed With A Kiss》,极具浪漫色彩,叙离别情,却不伤感;道分手苦,却不低沉。别离时浓浓的不是离愁,而是浪漫,唱出了令人心旌摇动的少年情怀。充满留恋的歌词加上 Brian Hyland凄婉的嗓音不知唱出了多少好友,恋人间欲走还留”的心情。没有什么比这首“Sealed With a Kiss”《以吻封缄》更令人感伤的了...... ,试听:Sealed with a kiss(以吻封缄)-Brian Hyland

Though we gottaa say goodbye 虽然我们不得不
For the summer, 分开度夏
Darling, I promise you this, 亲爱的,我答应你,
I'll send you all my love 我要把爱送给你,
Every day in a letter, 每天装在信封里,
Sealed with a kiss. 以吻来封缄。
Guess it's gonna be 是的,今夏会是
A cold lonely summer, 寒冷又孤独,
But I'll fI'll the emptiness. 但我要填补空虚:
I'll send you all my dreams. 送给你我所有的梦境,
Every dayin a letter, 每天装在信封里,
Seald with a kiss 以吻来封缄。,I'll see you in the sunlight; 我将看见你在阳光里;
I'll hear your voice enerywhere; 我将听见你声音遍野;
I'll run to tenderly hold you: 我要跑过去温柔地拥抱你;
But darling, you won′t be there.但亲爱的,你却不在。
I don't wanna say goodbye 我不想说再见,
For the summer, 分开度夏,
Knowing the love we′ll miss. 知道我们会相思
Oh, let us make a pledge 哦,我们立个誓:
To meet in September, 九月再相见,
And Sealed with a kiss. 以吻来封缄。,Guess it's gonna be 是的,今夏会是
A cold lonely summer 寒冷又孤独,
But I'll fill the emptiness. 但我要填补空虚:
I'll send you all my love 送给你我所有的梦境,
Every day in a letter, 每天装在信封里,
Sealed with a kiss 以吻来封缄,
Sealed with a kiss 以吻来封缄,
Sealed with a kiss..... 以吻来封缄......,I'll see you in the sunlight; 我将看见你在阳光里;
I'll hear your voice enerywhere; 我将听见你声音遍野;
I'll run to tenderly hold you: 我要跑过去温柔地拥抱你;
But darling, you won′t be there.但亲爱的,你却不在。
I don't wanna say goodbye 我不想说再见,
For the summer, 分开度夏,
Knowing the love we′ll miss. 知道我们会相思
Oh, let us make a pledge 哦,我们立个誓:
To meet in September, 九月再相见,
And sealed with a kiss. 以吻来封缄。
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