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《人生遥控器click》插曲Linger-The Cranberries

《人生遥控器click》插曲Linger-The Cranberries  第1张,昨晚看了喜剧《人生遥控器click》,片中天使脸蛋魔鬼身材、温柔可人的老婆,就是集古典美和现代美于一身的气质美女凯特·贝金赛尔演的,让俺大大地流了一把口水。
片中有一首温馨浪漫的情歌《Linger》, 选自小红莓的专辑《Everybody Else Is Doing It,So Why Can't We》,男主人公靠着遥控器回放,才记起是两人在酒吧初吻时播放的歌,互相传纸条,“will you still love me in the morning? ”“Forever & ever, babe.”可是当神奇遥控器渐渐不听指挥、自动快进的时候,男主人公错过了人生很多个重要的时刻。即使始终抱有forever & ever的誓言,也直到生命的最后一刻才体会到“family comes first”。所幸只是一个亦真亦幻的梦,丢掉遥控器,人生还有重来一次的机会。
珍惜你身边的人吧,趁你现在还有时间。,试听:Linger-The Cranberries

if you, if you could return
don't let it burn
don't let it fade
i'm sure i'm happier
but it's just your attitude
it's tearing me apart
it's ruining everyday,i swore, i swore i would be true
but honey so did you
so why were you holding her hand
is that the way you stand
were you lying all the time
was it just a game to you,but i miss you
you know i'm such a fool for you
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to let it Linger
do you have to
do you have to
do you have to let it linger,oh, i thought i loved you
i thought that nothing could go wrong
but i was wrong
i was wrong,if you, if you could get by
trying not to lie
things wouldn't be so confused
and i wouldn't feel so used
but you always
i just wanna be with you,and i miss you
you know i'm such a fool for you
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to let it linger
do you have to
do you have to
do you have to let it linger,and i miss you
you know i'm such a fool for you
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to let it linger
do you have to
do you have to
do you have to let it linger,you know i'm such a fool for you
you got me wrapped around your finger
do you have to let it linger
do you have to
do you have to
do you have to let it linger,试听:Linger-The Cranberries

if you, if you could return
don't let it burn
don't let it fade
i'm sure i'm happier
but it's just your attitude
it's tearing me apart
it's ruining everyday
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