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后另类音乐排行榜Beautiful Girl – INXS

后另类音乐排行榜Beautiful Girl – INXS  第1张
曲名:Beautiful Girl
专辑:Welcome to Wherever You Are
介绍:在1987年推出专辑《Kick》以来,INXS(伊克斯)乐队就成为了最有魅力的流行摇滚乐队之一,这张专辑数百万的销量为乐队赢得了与U2、R.E.M.这些著名乐队同等的地位。 主唱麦克·哈琛斯(Michael Hutchence)在表演时总是面部严肃、衣着时髦、咆哮多动,以及歌曲“New Sensation”、“Need You Tonigt”使他被认为是八十年代末的Jim Morrison。INXS乐队因为专辑《Kick》获得了巨大的成功,在乐队成立的二十年中仍然保持着最初的人员组成。,1992年的专辑《Welcome to Wherever You Are》受到了强烈的批评,这被认为是乐队的一次冒险,因为乐队想创造能被世界普遍接受的东西。单曲“Beautiful Girl”进入后另类音乐排行榜。(网络整理)
Nicky's in the corner
With a black coat on
Running from a bad home
With some cat inside,Now where did you find her?
Among the neon lights
That haunt the streets outside
She says, Stay With me,Beautiful Girl, Stay with me
Beautiful girl, stay with me
But you wanna go home,From doorway to doorway
Street corner to corner
With neon ghosts in the city
And she says,Stay with me, stay with me
Stay with me, stay with me
Stay with me, stay with me,She's so scared
So very frightened
Anything could happen
Right here tonight,Beautiful girl, stay with me
Beautiful girl, stay with me
But you wanna go home,Stay with me, Beautiful girl
Stay with me, beautiful girl
Stay with me, beautiful girl
Stay with me, beautiful girl,歌词:
Nicky's in the corner
With a black coat on
Running from a bad home
With some cat inside
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