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Wonder – Lamb

Wonder – Lamb  第1张
专辑:Between Darkness and Wonder
风格:鼓打贝斯 Drum & Bass,Hip Hop

介绍:Lamb由一队夫妻档组成,妻子Louise Rhodes 和丈夫 Andy Barlow。和许多乐队一样,妻子主要承担VOCAL的角色,而丈夫则主要摆弄一些器材,研究曲式的框架和如何弄出许多有意思的节拍与鼓击来。 Louise Rhodes 绝对不承认自己只是一个简单的vocal角色,她的嗓音特点绝对不是那种所谓的飘渺,而她的特色是多变,在转音和拖音上都常常一波三折。并且由她自己做词自己演绎。(网络整理),歌词:
Lately I find myself amazed
At all around me everything I see
Like all of life's ablaze with light
That suddenly I see, only now I see,The Wonder, the wonder of it all
Wonder everywhere
More than we know
Heaven's not up there
But on earth below,The wonder, the wonder of it all
Wonder everywhere
More than we know
Heaven's not up there
But on earth below,Don't know if God exists
But there's some magic out there
So much we're not aware
And sometimes suddenly
I hear a harmony sing
Of each and everything,The wonder, the wonder of it all
Wonder everywhere
More than we know
Heaven's not up there
But on earth below,The wonder, the wonder of it all
Wonder everywhere
More than we know
Heaven's not up there
But on earth below,The wonder, the wonder of it all
Wonder everywhere
More than we know
Heaven's not up there
But on earth below,The wonder, the wonder of it all
Wonder everywhere
More than we know
Heaven's not up there
But on earth below,The wonder, the wonder of it all
Wonder everywhere
More than we know
Heaven's not up there
But on earth below
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