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5 Years Time – Noah and the Whale

5 Years Time – Noah and the Whale  第1张
曲目:5 Years Time
艺人:Noah and the Whale
专辑:Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down
风格:民谣流行 Folk Pop, 独立民谣 Indie Folk

Noah And Whale (诺亚与鲸鱼),英国伦敦的独立流行乐团。团名灵感来自于美籍年轻鬼才导演Noah Baumbach横扫各大独立影展的小成本电影《The Squid And The Whale》。创作核心Charlie自小即秀出对音乐上的灵敏度,从随身听传来Bob Dylan、Neil Young的音符找寻写歌灵感。
Oh well
In 5 years time we could be walking around a zoo
With the sun shining down over me and you
and there'll be love in the bodies of the elephants turning up
Put my hands over your eyes but you peek through
And there'll be
Sun Sun Sun
All over our bodies
and Sun Sun Sun
All down our necks
and there'll be
Sun Sun Sun
All over our faces
and Sun Sun Sun
So what the heck
Coz' I'll be laughing at all your silly little jokes
And we'll be laughing about how we used to smoke
All those stupid little ciggarettes and drink stupid wine
Cuz' it was what we needed to have a good time
And it was
Fun Fun Fun
When we were drinking
It was
Fun Fun Fun
When we were drunk
And it was
Fun Fun Fun
When we were laughing
It was
Fun Fun Fun
Oh it was Fun
Oh well I look at you and say it's the happiest I have ever been
and I'll say I feel I no longer have to be James Dean
and She'll say
Oh yeah Well I feel pretty happy too
And I'm always pretty happy when I'm just kicking back with you
and it will be
Love Love Love
All through our bodies
Love Love Love
All through our minds
and it'd be
Love love Love
All over her face
and Love Love Love
All over mine
And in the oddest moments and just scratching my head
I'll be thinking about families n' lying in bed
Even though I believe it may not even come true
But in my mind I'm having a pretty good time with you
Oh Five years time
I might not know you
In Five Years Time
We might not speak at all and
In Five Years Time
We might not get along
In Five Years Time
You might just prove me wrong
Oh there'll be
Love Love Love
Where ever you go There'll be
Love Love Love
Where ever you go There'll be
Love Love Love
Where ever you go There'll be
Love Love Love
Where ever you go There'll be
Love Love Love
Where ever you go There'll be
Love Love Love
Where ever you go There'll be
Love Love Love
Where ever you go There'll be
Love Love Love
Where ever you go There'll be
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