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现场视频《Walls》美妙的吉他和人声,妙不可言的眼神交流  第1张

Tommy Emmanuel 和 Christie Lenée都是指弹吉他演奏家,一个来自澳大利亚,一个来自美国。

他们都能弹能唱。尤其Tommy Emmanuel,是世界最顶尖的指弹吉他大师,没有之一,Tommy Emmanuel还会打鼓。这个现场演出很有看头,眼神的交流,吉他和人声的结合,都美妙无比。


Some walls are made of stone
Sometimes we build our own
some walls stand for years
and some wash away with tears
Some walls are lined with gold where
some hearts stay safe and cold
some walls are made from doubt
holding in and keeping out
If there's any hope for love at all...
some walls must fall
If there's any hope for love at all...
some walls must fall
Some walls are built on pride

some keep the child inside
some walls are built in fear that
love let go will disappear
If there's any hope for love at all...
some walls must fall
If there's any hope for love at all...
some walls must fall
How will you ever know what might be found
until you let the walls come tumbling down
If there's any hope for love at all...
some walls must fall
If there's any hope for love at all...
some walls must fall


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