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No Surprises – Amanda Rogers

No Surprises – Amanda Rogers  第1张
曲名:No surprises
艺人:Amanda Rogers
专辑:Something Borrowed Something Blue
介绍:Amanda Rogers因为弹钢琴而免不了受到浪漫乐派的萧邦与拉赫曼尼诺夫等作曲家影响,却又偏爱另类庞克摇滚如Radiohead和Bright Eyes等团体的Amanda Rogers,她以复杂敏感的钢琴演奏与具魅惑力的唱腔,呈现出一种风格独特、情感张力耐人寻味。这首No surprises是翻唱自Radiohead。

,《No surprises 》歌词:,A heart that’s full up like a landfill
心里的乱麻堵塞有如垃圾堆,A job that slowly kills you
工作的压力在扼杀你的生命,Bruises that won’t heal
受伤到无药可救,You look so tired and unhappy
你如此疲惫,如此悲剧,Bring down the government
推翻这虚伪的政府吧,They don’t, they don’t speak for us
政府不会,永远不会站在我们这边,I’ll take a quiet life
我想平静生活,A handshake of carbon monoxide
和一氧化碳握个手,No alarms and no surprises
担忧吃惊,No alarms and no surprises
别担忧别吃惊,No alarms and no surprises
别担忧别吃惊,Silent, silent
安静,安静,This is my final fit, my final bellyache with
我最终决定,还是要对此牢骚满腹,No alarms and no surprises
别担忧别吃惊,No alarms and no surprises
别担忧别吃惊,No alarms and no surprises please
拜托,别担忧别吃惊,Such a pretty house, such a pretty garden
这么漂亮的房子,这么漂亮的花园,No alarms and no surprises (let me out of here)
别担忧别吃惊(我想逃),No alarms and no surprises (let me out of here)
别担忧别吃惊(我想逃),No alarms and no surprises please (let me out of here)
拜托,别担忧别吃惊(我想逃),A heart that’s full up like a landfill
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