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All the Young Dudes – Mott the Hoople

All the Young Dudes – Mott Hoople  第1张
曲目:Mott the Hoople
艺人:Mott the Hoople
专辑:All the Young Dudes
Mott the Hoople,70年代重要的华丽摇滚乐队,主唱是Ian Hunter,主吉他手是被称为“华丽摇滚吉他之父”的Mick Ronson,后者在David Bowie的《Ziggy Stardust》中有非常精彩的表演。该乐队成立于1969年,虽然很有自己的风格水平,但是商业上总是不太成功,结果到了1972年就已经面临解散的危机。这时他们的一位fans挺身而出,为他们创作了一些优秀的歌曲,这个fans就是大名鼎鼎的David Bowie。1972年的这张All the Young Dudes让乐队暂时走出了危机,同名主打歌成为70年代著名的流行歌曲。不过由于这首歌是David Bowie所作,有人甚至误以为Mott the Hoople是David Bowie领导的乐队。Ian Hunter等乐队成员对此当然很有想法,到了1973年,乐队一张厚积薄发的Mott终于在英美两地都获得成功,同时乐队也赢得了一些国际听众。(网络整理),Well billy rapped all night about his suicide
How he kick it in the head when he was twenty-five
Speed jive don't want to stay alive
When you're twenty-five
And wendy's stealing clothes from marks and sparks
And freedy's got spots from ripping off the stars from his face
Funky little boat race
Television man is crazy saying we're juvenile deliquent wrecks
Oh man I need tv when I got t rex
Oh brother you guessed
I'm a dude dad
All the young Dudes (hey dudes)
Carry the news (where are ya)
Boogaloo dudes (stand up come on)
Carry the news
All the young dudes (I want to hear you)
Carry the news (I want to see you)
Boogaloo dudes (and I want to talk to you all of you)
Carry the news,Now lucy looks sweet cause he dresses like a queen
But he can kick like a mule it's a real mean team
But we can love oh yes we can love
And my brother's back at home with his beatles and his stones
We never got it off on that revolution stuff
What a drag too many snags
Now I've drunk a lot of wine and I'm feeling fine
Got to race some cat to bed
Oh is there concrete all around
Or is it in my head
I'm a dude dad
All the young dudes (hey dudes)
Carry the news (where are ya)
Boogaloo dudes (stand up)
Carry the news
All the young dudes (I want to hear ya)
Carry the news (I want to see you)
Boogaloo dudes (and I want to relate to you)
Carry the news
All the young dudes (what dudes),Carry the news (let's hear the news come on)
Boogaloo dudes (I want to kick you)
Carry the news
All the young dudes (hey you there with the glasses)
Carry the news (I want you)
Boogaloo dudes (I want you at the front)
Carry the news (now you all his friends)
All the young dudes (now you bring him down cause I want him)
Carry the news
Boogaloo dudes (I want him right here bring him come on)
Carry the news (bring him here you go)
All the young dudes (I've wanted to do this for years)
Carry the news (there you go)
Boogaloo dudes (how do you feel)
Carry the news,Well billy rapped all night about his suicide
How he kick it in the head when he was twenty-five
Speed jive don't want to stay alive
When you're twenty-five
And wendy's stealing clothes from marks and sparks
And freedy's got spots from ripping off the stars from his face
Funky little boat race
Television man is crazy saying we're juvenile deliquent wrecks
Oh man I need tv when I got t rex
Oh brother you guessed
I'm a dude dad
All the young dudes (hey dudes)
Carry the news (where are ya)
Boogaloo dudes (stand up come on)
Carry the news
All the young dudes (I want to hear you)
Carry the news (I want to see you)
Boogaloo dudes (and I want to talk to you all of you)
Carry the news
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