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英伦摇滚 Four To The Floor – Starsailor

英伦摇滚 Four To The Floor – Starsailor  第1张,Starsailor这个四人组来自英国西北部的Chorley,他们的团名取自传奇歌手Tim Buckley在1970年发表的专辑《星际水手》(Starsailor),他们的创作风格与酷玩(Coldplay)、崔维斯(Travis)一脉相承。 乐团最重要的人物则是21岁、拥有丰富写歌才华的Walsh。事实上,这个年代一个歌手被定义为Buckley接班人已经是陈腔滥调,但Walsh仍找回他最原始的感动,并创作出十数首情感强烈的歌曲。他说:“大约两年前,我记得读过一个乐团的访问,他们表示受了Jeff Buckley的影响。于是Starsailor我去买了他的专辑,我发现他的专辑比我听过的任何专辑都要优越许多。自那之后,我便开始听Tim Buckley、Neil Young和Van Morrison。我们的音乐并非真的以Tim Buckley为模板,他只是一个催化剂。我发现他的歌真的能感动我,并让我知道自己就是想做那样的音乐。”,暌违一年半诞生的这张后继专辑《Silence Is Easy》虽然一开场便送上阳光爽朗得有如Britpop年代的《Music Was Saved》,然而以钢琴和空心吉他主导的简约乐章Fidelity与《Some Of Us》 ,轻抹Northern Soul色彩的标题曲《Silence Is Easy》、充满七十年代Psychedelic—Folk的《Shark Food》、铺陈了Disco式弦乐的《Four to the Floor》、乃至让人想起The Verve后期作品的闭幕曲《Restless Heart 》,都依旧展现出Starsailor音乐中深刻的一面。,更重要的是,主唱兼吉他手James Walsh那把孤寂感性的嗓子是那样带点苦涩,那样轻易拨动听者的心弦……,权威乐刊Q AWARD“最佳新人组合”2001年得主,英伦摇滚乐坛众所瞩目优异新秀。,乐团灵魂人物主唱James Walsh深受巴氏父子(Tim Buckley & Jeff Buckley)及Neil Young影响,真挚嗓音以巧妙的歌唱技巧诠释关于爱情、希望和救赎的故事。(网络整理),试听:Four To The Floor - Starsailor

With hand on heart your right from the start,
You taught me to take my part.
No cross to bear, no reason to care, my life was all up in air,
Four to the Floor, I was sure, never seeing clear,
I could have it all, whenever you are near.,The iron hand did not understand the plight of the common man.
Four to the floor I was sure, never seeing clear,
I could have it all whenever you are near.
Four to the floor I was sure, that you would be my girl,
We'd rent a little world, have a little girl.
Four to the floor I was sure, never seeing clear,
I could have it all if only you were here.
Four to the floor I was sure that you would be my girl,
We'd rent a little world, have a little girl.
Four to the floor I was sure never seeing clear,
I could have it all whenever you are near.,暌违一年半诞生的这张后继专辑《Silence Is Easy》虽然一开场便送上阳光爽朗得有如Britpop年代的《Music Was Saved》,然而以钢琴和空心吉他主导的简约乐章Fidelity与《Some Of Us》 ,轻抹Northern Soul色彩的标题曲《Silence Is Easy》、充满七十年代Psychedelic—Folk的《Shark Food》、铺陈了Disco式弦乐的《Four to the Floor》、乃至让人想起The Verve后期作品的闭幕曲《Restless Heart 》,都依旧展现出Starsailor音乐中深刻的一面。
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