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Breathe – Faith Hill

Breathe – Faith Hill  第1张,Faith Hill(费丝希尔),国内最熟悉她的歌应该是《There You'll Be》,电影《Pearl Harbor》(珍珠港)片尾曲。
来自美国小镇,歌声感动全国,费丝希尔的成长和爱情故事都是美国梦的实现,人们称她为“国民天后”。翻开美国告示牌(Billboard)杂志单曲榜,谁敢宣称自己的歌曲占了三席? 费丝希尔办到了,这位2000年红遍全美的实力美女在9月同时以“Breathe”、“The Way You Love Me”及“Let's Make Love”三首歌曲占据排行榜:挺立单曲榜48周的亚军曲“Breathe”在抒情榜写下17周冠军纪录 ,肯定是千禧年年度抒情冠军曲 ;“The Way You Love Me”以性感甜美造型二度打入排行榜,被一致看好再为费丝写下佳绩;“Let's Make Love” 则是费丝和乐坛天王老公提姆麦克劳三度对唱的恩爱情歌,夫妇浓浓爱意燃烧人心,再造话题。在此同时,费丝冠军专辑“呼吸”已写下四百万张的惊人销售,过去四张大碟总销量更达1500万张,不过费丝的本事不仅如此。
又有谁2000年先后在超级杯、葛莱美奖、奥斯卡奖、VH1 电视台天后演唱会(Divas Live)领衔主唱,以歌声掳获人心?答案还是费丝希尔,六年来费丝已经拿到 26 座音乐奖项,今年她除了连获葛莱美奖、百事达奖、VH1 时尚流行奖、全美音乐奖、告示牌音乐影带奖提名外,更连续两年蝉联乡村协会音乐奖及 TNN乡村奖年度女歌手的双重肯定,又证明国民天后的非凡实力。,还有谁能成为今年美国百事可乐、知名化妆品牌Cover Girl、通讯公司Alltel广告代言人、再次获选People杂志全球50名最美人物 、成为时尚杂志最爱的封面女郎?仍然是费丝希尔,她是美国NBC电视网Access Hollywood节目选出的2000年娱乐界十大风云人物,费丝的美令人屏息。但最要紧的是一颗歌唱真心意,“当我站在麦克风前那一刻,我告诉自己要发自内心,我就在歌曲中”,就和费丝希尔名字“Faith”一样,情歌因为费丝·希尔而美丽。,试听:Breathe - Faith Hill

I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with You gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face and I’ve
Never been this swept away,All my thoughts seem to settle on the breeze
When I’m lying wrapped up in your arms
The whole world just fades away
The only thing I hear
Is the beating of your heart,‘Cause I can feel you Breathe
It’s washing over me
Suddenly I’m melting into you
There’s nothing left to prove
Baby all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn’t that the way that love’s supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe,In a way I know my heart is waking up
As all the walls come tumbling down
I’m closer than I’ve ever felt before
And I know
And you know
There’s no need for words right now,‘Cause I can feel you breathe
It’s washing over me
Suddenly I’m melting into you
There’s nothing left to prove
Baby all we need is just to be
Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn’t that the way that love’s supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe,Caught up in the touch
The slow and steady rush
Baby, isn’t that the way that love’s supposed to be
I can feel you breathe
Just breathe,I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way,还有谁能成为今年美国百事可乐、知名化妆品牌Cover Girl、通讯公司Alltel广告代言人、再次获选People杂志全球50名最美人物 、成为时尚杂志最爱的封面女郎?仍然是费丝希尔,她是美国NBC电视网Access Hollywood节目选出的2000年娱乐界十大风云人物,费丝的美令人屏息。但最要紧的是一颗歌唱真心意,“当我站在麦克风前那一刻,我告诉自己要发自内心,我就在歌曲中”,就和费丝希尔名字“Faith”一样,情歌因为费丝·希尔而美丽。
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