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Bossa风 On The Radio – Juliana Aquino

Bossa风 On The Radio – Juliana Aquino  第1张,出生于巴西的萨尔瓦多市、成名居住于美国纽约市的茱莉安娜(Juliana Aquino),如丝缎般温柔诚挚的歌声,集时尚美丽与绝佳唱功于一身,擅长以巴莎诺瓦融合爵士与流行,将各式曲目以全新时尚的软调舒缓曲风重新诠释演唱,在巴西新生代巴莎诺瓦女歌手中极具歌唱实力、全球已具国际知名度的一位美丽女声! 1998年接受巴莎诺瓦传奇大师吉巴托.吉尔(Gilberto Gil)的邀请特返回巴西担任他的三重奏乐团女声,至此,茱莉安娜与米尔顿.纳奇曼托(Milton Nascimento)、卡耶塔诺.费洛索(Caetano Veloso)、盖儿.柯丝塔(Gal Costa)等众多巴西伟大歌手多次同台演唱,初生之犊却具大将之风,在故乡巴西留下令人惊叹的歌唱表现!(网络整理),试听:On The Radio - Juliana Aquino

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Someone found a letter
You wrote me on the Radio
And they told the worl just how You felt
It must have folling out of a hole
In your old brown overcoat
They never said your name
But I knew who they meant,Oh oh oh,I was so surprised
And chocked and I wondered too
If by chance you heard it for yourself
I never told a soul just how
I’ve being feeling about you,But they said it really loud
They said it on the air,On the radio
Whoa oh oh
On the radio,Don’t it kind’a strike you said
When you hear our song
Things are not the same
Since we broke up last june
The only thing that I wanna hear
Is that you love me still
And that you think
You’ll be coming home real soon,Whoa, oh oh,And it made me feel proud
When I heard you say
You couldn’t find the words
To say it yourself
And now in my heart
I know I can say, what I really feel,’Cause they said it really loud
They said on the air,On the radio
Whoa oh oh
On the radio,I’m sending in a letter
To tell them that i love you too
If you hear it maybe you will know
When you hear them read the line
About love’s reurned on the radio
You’ll think about the two of us
And you come home,If you knew just i felt
Why did you make me wait?
Life was on and on while
You played with my heart
Don’t hold on any longer
Cause now i know how you really feel
Cause i heard it really loud
They said it on the air,If you think that love
Isn’t found on the radio
Then tune right in
And you may find the love you lost
’Cause now I’m seating here
With a man I sent away a long ago,It sound it really loud
Thay said it really loud
On the radio
Whoa oh, oh
On the radio,试听:On The Radio - Juliana Aquino

MP3下载:地址1(百度网盘) | 地址2(360云盘)
Someone found a letter
You wrote me on the radio
And they told the worl just how you felt
It must have folling out of a hole
In your old brown overcoat
They never said your name
But I knew who they meant
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