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Coffee Shop Scene – Maryanna Sokol

Coffee Shop Scene – Maryanna Sokol  第1张,又是没啥中文资料的一首歌,关于歌手Maryanna Sokol的资料都木有啊。但这歌真心好听,旋律有点点熟悉,跟某首歌有点像,想不起来。很喜欢开头那一段。最近很忙,忙得都没空发呆,发几分钟的呆都是中奢侈。最舒服的时候,也就是晚上了,喝杯咖啡,听首歌,很巧这首歌也跟咖啡有关。然后,继续干活。 ,在淘宝开店,真磨练人,这是我做过的最困难最难受的事情。你要做好它,要付出太多的心血。但也能增加阅历,你能经历形形色色的人,之前你都不敢相信会有这样的人。而在淘宝,很多人暴露了平日里尽力掩饰的本来面目,而且是赤裸裸的。有些事,有些人,就是这样存在着。我相信人性的美好,也相信人与人之间的美好,情谊、理解、宽容、诚信,但与之相反的东西,也一样存在。
以前,我会觉得,写小说很难,一是因为想象力一般,也没什么题材。现在,我收获了好多的题材。这也是另一种收获,它催你成长。,我能做什么?坚持。不管世界怎么样。就算受到伤害,也要坚持你所相信的。我相信,下一次,还会遇见美好。,关于Maryanna Sokol的英文资料,请英语爱好者们翻译一下吧:
The daughter of a jazz-turned-classical guitarist motHer and jazz trumpetist composer-turned-piano technician father who met at acclaimed Berklee College of Music, Maryanna rarely, if ever, entertained any option but to grow up to be a career musician. Her early childhood was spent studying piano, violin, voice, and guitar, and figuring out creative ways to get out of practicing for lessons. She and her brother also provided BGVs and cuteness factor to rock concerts her parents gave at local churches, shelters, and other venues in the Houston area. She composed her first music at the age of 3, when her parents encouraged every vocal improvisation and dabble on the piano as a “song.” Her efforts proved fruitful soon enough when she won a local composition contest at the age of 10 for an acapella song filled with precocious, if cringe-worthy, metaphorical references to freedom through art and imagination.
After an obligatory but healthy obsession with The Beatles at a young age, followed by an active junior high and high school career in choir, orchestra, musical theater, and various local performing groups, Maryanna attended Southern Methodist University and Sam Houston State University in TX, where she received a degree in Music Therapy with a minor in voice. In pursuit of her education, she re-visited the art of songwriting, soon composing catchy and clever songs that appealed to educators and students as well as hard-drinking, honest folk in bars.
With influences ranging from Leonard Bernstein to Regina Spektor to the ever-growing hype over the impending end of the world, Maryanna writes songs that weave the unabashed soulfulness so often found in the classic Americana singer-songwriter style with discriminating pop sensibilities. Her lyrical style and powerful voice allot for songs that deftly guide the listener through moments of pure delicacy to brazen emotion.
Her debut album, “Landfill,” was produced by Andrew Futral (The Age of Rockets) and mixed and mastered by Dan Romer (Ingrid Michaelson, Jenny Owen Youngs, Bess Rogers). It was officially released May 4, 2010, and is now available to the greatest expanses of the internet universe.,试听:Coffee Shop Scene - Maryanna Sokol

MP3下载:地址1(百度网盘) | 地址2(360云盘),歌词暂无,在淘宝开店,真磨练人,这是我做过的最困难最难受的事情。你要做好它,要付出太多的心血。但也能增加阅历,你能经历形形色色的人,之前你都不敢相信会有这样的人。而在淘宝,很多人暴露了平日里尽力掩饰的本来面目,而且是赤裸裸的。有些事,有些人,就是这样存在着。我相信人性的美好,也相信人与人之间的美好,情谊、理解、宽容、诚信,但与之相反的东西,也一样存在。
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