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Private Lawns – Angus & Julia Stone

Private Lawns – Angus & Julia Stone  第1张,《Private Lawns》选自Angus & Julia Stone乐队的专辑《Memories of an Old Friend》。还是没忍住又一次来推荐他们的音乐,但这首歌真的很适合在周末听,给自己放松一下。关于Angus & Julia Stone的资料,可以看看以前的介绍。 ,试听:Private Lawns - Angus & Julia Stone

MP3下载(128K MP3):地址1(115网) | 地址2(网盘),歌词:
I just flew in
From the windy city
The windy city is mighty pretty
But they ain’t got what we got
No sir’ree
They’ve got Private Lawns and public parks
Well they’ve got those menstrual shows
Pretty ladies with the big shot bows
They’ve got private lawns and private parks,I just flew in
From the the windy city
The windy city is mighty pretty
But they ain't got what we got
No sir’ree
They’ve got private lawns and public parks
They’ve got private lawns and public parks
They’ve got private lawns and public parks,试听:Private Lawns - Angus & Julia Stone

MP3下载(128K MP3):地址1(115网盘) | 地址2(网盘)
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