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清新民谣 Free To Be Me – Haroula Rose

清新民谣 Free To Be Me – Haroula Rose  第1张,最近忙着搬家。即将离开杭州了,算上大学4年,生活了7年多。杭州有些地方很好,比如杭州图书馆、城市很干净、有山有水、公共自行车、斑马线强制车让人,当然也有一些让人反感的地方。对于这个城市,没有一点留恋。真要留恋,是留恋这里的一些人,也是现在才突然感觉到,带着点伤感。
对不确定的未来倒是充满了期待。自去年7月离职,休息、晃悠至今。一激动差点去了上海。也想过将前景不错的职业生涯再往前走走,可扪心自问,这样的生活并不是自己想要的。趁着还剩点年轻(也快奔三了),多折腾,多尝试些可能性,拥抱变化嘛。,下一站,深圳。打算自驾去,有没有拼车的? ,听歌吧,轻松轻松。来自Haroula Rose的《Free To Be Me》。Haroula Rose是来自洛矶山的一个独立民谣女歌手。干净的吉他,怡人的声音,惬意而温暖。,试听:Free To Be Me - Haroula Rose

MP3下载:地址1(115) | 地址2(快盘) | 解压密码:www.mtyyw.com,歌词:
Every day when I wake it’s just the saMe
Pluck the ways and I can make my escape
From the dark fall apart
To place so far where dreams are
Then I see your face and you show me the way
And the words you say set me Free
There’s more to believe and so much more to see
I’m free, free to be me,So so many many days in veins I awe the change
These are the thoughts that jump out brain
And I’m thinking deeper and deeper and to the whole
I don’t know where else to go
Then I see your face and you show me the way
And the words you say set me free
There’s more to believe and so much more to see
I’m free, free to be me.,I’ve learned to shield my eyes, and I
And I will drag the sunrise
Until you…it’s true
Then I see your face and you show me the way
And the words you say set me free
There’s more to believe and so much more to see
I’m free, free to be me,下一站,深圳。打算自驾去,有没有拼车的?
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