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Overrated – Jacqueline Govaert

Overrated – Jacqueline Govaert  第1张,Jacqueline Govaert 是荷兰流行摇滚团体Krezip的女主唱。这首“Overrated”选自单飞后的专辑《Good Life》,轻快的一首歌,适合周末听。小妮子从Krezip脱离出来,显得多少有些疯,脱离了原有的正统摇滚的感觉,第一首“Overrated”感觉就是古灵精怪。 (网络整理),试听:Overrated - Jacqueline Govaert

歌曲下载:地址1(vdisk) | 地址2(115网盘)
What's wrong with being Overrated
What's wrong with being overrated
Tell me I'm your favourite one
Even if it's not from the heart
Isn't that complicated
Isn't that complicated
SometI'mes a little lie can make my day
Honey, this game ain't hard to play
I'm looking for small talk
I'm looking for love
Longing for kisses
Kisses and hugs
Now I'm looking for shoptalk
Now I'm looking for sense
Get away from that bar and give me romance
What's wrong with being overrated
What's wrong with being overrated
Tell me I'm your favourite one
Even if it's not from the heart
Isn't that complicated
Isn't that complicated
Sometimes a little lie can make my day
Honey, this game ain't hard to play
I'm looking for small talk
I'm looking for love
Longing for kisses
Kisses and hugs
Now I'm looking for shoptalk
Now I'm looking for sense
Get away from that bar, let's dance
Everybody, overrate me
What's wrong with being overrated
Tell me I'm your favourite one
Even if it's not from the heart
Isn't that complicated
Isn't that complicated
Sometimes a little lie can make my day
Honey, this game ain't hard to play
Looking for love sweet love
...,试听:Overrated - Jacqueline Govaert

歌曲下载:地址1(vdisk) | 地址2(115网盘)
What's wrong with being overrated
What's wrong with being overrated
Tell me I'm your favourite one
Even if it's not from the heart
Isn't that complicated
Isn't that complicated
Sometimes a little lie can make my day
Honey, this game ain't hard to play
I'm looking for small talk
I'm looking for love
Longing for kisses
Kisses and hugs
Now I'm looking for shoptalk
Now I'm looking for sense
Get away from that bar and give me romance
What's wrong with being overrated
What's wrong with being overrated
Tell me I'm your favourite one
Even if it's not from the heart
Isn't that complicated
Isn't that complicated
Sometimes a little lie can make my day
Honey, this game ain't hard to play
I'm looking for small talk
I'm looking for love
Longing for kisses
Kisses and hugs
Now I'm looking for shoptalk
Now I'm looking for sense
Get away from that bar, let's dance
Everybody, overrate me
What's wrong with being overrated
Tell me I'm your favourite one
Even if it's not from the heart
Isn't that complicated
Isn't that complicated
Sometimes a little lie can make my day
Honey, this game ain't hard to play
Looking for love sweet love
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