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The Second You Sleep – Saybia

The Second You Sleep – Saybia  第1张,Saybia是一支丹麦乐队,1993年创团,期间一直走地下乐队的小众风格,沉静,平稳,温和,有人曾认为作为丹麦的英伦乐队,Saybia似乎比本土化的Starsailor更加地道和娴熟。。自1993年组建一路走来,除了在1997年的时候队员有过些许的变动外,队员一直与最初成军时相同。长期的相处与现场演出的历炼,造就了他们沈稳且默契十足的乐队性格。2001年12月,他们在P3电台大奖上大获成功,他们被评为“丹麦最受欢迎乐队”,他们的演艺也顿时豁然开朗。 他们的名字出现在各大摇滚音乐杂志,2002年1月,他们获得了摇滚音乐杂志Gaffa读者票选“丹麦最佳年度新人”,并在其后的丹麦音乐奖上获得“最佳年度新人”及“最佳摇滚专辑”提名。不过从他们专辑中仍然能隐约感受到brit-pop的影子,低沉的吟唱,和令人怦然心动的旋律,拨动着每个摇滚乐迷的心弦。或许有人吹毛求疵地认为他们是coldplay或是radiohead的衍生品。他们依然故我,从英伦风中找寻灵感,但音乐之中的却拥有更加丰富的色调,一方面继续北欧经典民谣传统,另一方面又吸取美洲摇滚的精邃,主唱意蕴忧远的哼唱,清澈的吉他声让你如同置身空旷的美洲大草原。如今,Saybia音乐中,昔日的激情被独自哀怜所取代,音乐中多了一丝沉静,特别是符尾部分,旋律变得更加清冷。轻松的节拍,意味深长的歌词,平缓的摇滚韵律饱含深情的暗示,源于主唱发自肺腑的演绎,和对乐器收放自如的把持。,The Second You Sleep是Saybia的第一张专辑,在这11首歌曲,53分11秒中,纠结了Saybia乐坛近10年的企望、不安、成长及在音乐中得平复与安慰。融合英式摇滚流畅与北欧流行的风格,虽然在Saybia音乐中借用了许多不同的音乐元素,但他们跳脱北欧情歌给人的滥情的刻板印象,改以真实生活的沈稳呈现的手法,让他们创造出一套自己特有的Saybia式风格。团员将他们各自在不同领域的音乐风格中获得体会,融会成专辑中一首首美丽的歌曲。
专辑中的“The Second You Sleep”和“The Day After Tomorrow”很好听!,试听:The Day After Tomorrow - Saybia
,试听:The Second You Sleep - Saybia
,“The Day After Tomorrow”的歌词:
Please tell me why do birds
sing when You're near me
sing when you're close to me,They say that I'm a fool
for loving you deeply
loving you secretly,But I crash in my mind
whenever you are near
getting deaf, dumb and blind
just drowning in despair
I am lost in your flame
it's burning like the sun
and I call out your name
The moment you are gone,Please tell me why can't I
breathe when you're near me
breathe when you're close to me,I know, you know I'm lost
in loving you deeply
loving you secretly
secretly,But I crash in my mind
whenever you are near
getting deaf, dumb and blind
just drowning in despair
I am lost in your flame
it's burning like the sun
and I call out your name
The moment you are gone,Tomorrow
(say it all Tomorrow) I'll tell it all tomorrow
(say it all tomorrow) or the day after tomorrow
(say it all today) I'm sure I'll tell you then,Well, I crash in my mind
whenever you are near
getting deaf, dumb and blind
just drowning in despair
Well, I am lost in your flame
it's burning like the sun
and I call out your name
the moment you are gone
Please tell me why do birds
sing when you're near me
sing when you're close to me,They say that I'm a fool
for loving you deeply
loving you secretly,But I crash in my mind
whenever you are near
getting deaf, dumb and blind
just drowning in despair
I am lost in your flame
it's burning like the sun
and I call out your name
whenever you are gone,Please tell me why can't I
breathe when you're near me
breathe when you're close to me,I know, you know I'm lost
in loving you deeply
loving you secretly
secretly,But I crash in my mind
whenever you are near
getting deaf, dumb and blind
just drowning in despair
I am lost in your flame
it's burning like the sun
and I call out your name
whenever you are gone,Tomorrow
(say it all tomorrow) I'll tell it all tomorrow
(say it all tomorrow) or the day after tomorrow
(say it all today) I'm sure I'll tell you then,Well, I crash in my mind
whenever you are near
getting deaf, dumb and blind
just drowning in despair
Well, I am lost in your flame
it's burning like the sun
and I call out your name
the moment you are gone
moment you are gone,“The Second You Sleep”的歌词:
You close your eyes
And leave me naked by your side
You close the door so I can't see, the love you keep inside
The love you keep for me
It fills me up
It feels like living in a dream
It fills me up so I can't see
The love you keep inside
The love you keep for me,I stay to watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you'll be gone
It gives me time to stay, to watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you'll be gone
I wish by God you'd stay,I stay awake
I stay awake and watch you breathe
I stay awake and watch you fly, away into the night
Escaping through a dream
I stay to watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you'll be gone
I gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you'll be gone
I wish for God you'd stay,Stay...
Stay...,I stay to watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you'll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you'll be gone
It gives me time to stay
To watch you fade away
I dream of you tonight
Tomorrow you'll be gone
I wish for God you'd stay,Stay...,Stay...
Stay...,I wish for God you'd stay...,The Second You Sleep是Saybia的第一张专辑,在这11首歌曲,53分11秒中,纠结了Saybia乐坛近10年的企望、不安、成长及在音乐中得平复与安慰。融合英式摇滚流畅与北欧流行的风格,虽然在Saybia音乐中借用了许多不同的音乐元素,但他们跳脱北欧情歌给人的滥情的刻板印象,改以真实生活的沈稳呈现的手法,让他们创造出一套自己特有的Saybia式风格。团员将他们各自在不同领域的音乐风格中获得体会,融会成专辑中一首首美丽的歌曲。
专辑中的“The Second You Sleep”和“The Day After Tomorrow”很好听!
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