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Unintended – Muse

Unintended – Muse  第1张,英国乐队Muse一直以来都具有一种迷人的忧郁气质,他们的音乐声好像大海般时而爆裂时而寂静,一段凝重的喧嚣后也许就是一段细碎的钢琴,一段静静的吟唱后也许就是一阵暴风般的倾泻。
这首Unintended 在首张专辑《Showbiz》里显得别致,Matthew Bellamy放下了他喧嚣狂放的吉他,静静的唱,把这样一首忧伤的歌演绎得凄美动人,在这样一张激情四溢的唱片聆听到一半的时候, 让人忽然停下来, 黯然神伤。 (网络整理),试听:Unintended - Muse

You could be my Unintended 你是我未曾预想的选择,Choice to live my life extended 丰富了我的生命,You could be the one I'll always love 你是我永远的挚爱,You could be the one who listens,To my deepest inquisitions 你就是那个倾听我内心诉求的人,You could be the one I'll always love 你是我永远的挚爱,I'll be there as soon as I can 我恨不得飞到你的身边,But I'm busy mending broken Pieces of the life I had before 但是我在舔舐自己从前受伤的灵魂,First there was the one who challenged,All my dreams and all my balance 曾经有人打乱了我所有的梦扰乱了我的心,She could never be as good as You 她哪能及你呢,You could be my unintended,Choice to live my life extended 你是我未曾预想的选择,丰富了我的生命,You should be the one I'll always love 你是我永远的挚爱,I'll be there as soon as I can 我恨不得飞到你的身边,But I'm busy mending broken,Pieces of the life I had before 但是我在舔舐自己从前受伤的灵魂,Before you 在你以前,试听:Unintended - Muse

You could be my unintended 你是我未曾预想的选择
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