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史密斯夫妇插曲Mondo Bongo – Joe Strummer

史密斯夫妇插曲Mondo Bongo – Joe Strummer  第1张,Mondo Bongo是西班牙语,Mondo是巨大的意思,而Bongo是小鼓,合起来是“大鼓”的意思。Mondo Bongo其实是哥伦比亚古老的原住民音乐,它真实的意思是“奔放与狂野”,引申自当地居民娱乐喜庆时演奏用的大鼓。
《史密斯夫妇》电影开头的部分,这对夫妇是在哥伦比亚认识的,因此电影采用了“奔放与狂野”这首哥伦比亚老音乐作为插曲。一直很喜欢这首充满拉丁情调的歌,曲调简单却婉转,加上歌手庸懒的嗓音,连同几分滑稽的歌词,总给人很放松的感觉。 记得影片当中两人在这首背景音乐里忘情的舞蹈,各自怀揣着心事,内心相互猜疑,却面带笑容,深情的对视,享受着冲突前的温柔。平静自然的场景,在松弛的背景音乐的衬托下,却有着说不出的浪漫。
总觉得这样的场面很熟悉,两个人面对面相视而笑,私下却隐藏着各自的想法,看似融洽的气氛,却缺乏着对于对方的信任。人与人之间总在时刻保持着警惕,充斥着流言与猜疑。或许他们自己都没有意识到彼此举手投足间的默契,以及那份沉淀在心底的情愫。,试听:Mondo Bongo - Joe Strummer

歌曲下载:地址1(115网盘) | 地址2(百度MP3)
  I was patrolling a Pachinko
  Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone
  Hanging out with insects under ducting
  The C.I.A was on the phone
  Well, such is life
  Latino caribo, Mondo Bongo
  The flower looks good in your hair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  Nobody said it was fair, oh
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  The flower looks good in your hair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  Nobody said it was fair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  The flower looks good in your hair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  Nobody said it was fair
  For the Zapatistas I\’ll rob my sisters
  Of all the curtain and lace
  Down at the bauxite mine
  You get your own uniform
  Have lunchtimes off
  Take a monorail to your home
  Checkmate, baby
  God bless us and our home
  Where ever we roam
  Now take us home, flaquito
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  The flower looks good in your hair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  Nobody said it was fair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  The flower looks good in your hair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  Nobody said it was fair,试听:Mondo Bongo - Joe Strummer

歌曲下载:地址1(115网盘) | 地址2(百度MP3)
  I was patrolling a Pachinko
  Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone
  Hanging out with insects under ducting
  The C.I.A was on the phone
  Well, such is life
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  The flower looks good in your hair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  Nobody said it was fair, oh
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  The flower looks good in your hair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  Nobody said it was fair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  The flower looks good in your hair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  Nobody said it was fair
  For the Zapatistas I\’ll rob my sisters
  Of all the curtain and lace
  Down at the bauxite mine
  You get your own uniform
  Have lunchtimes off
  Take a monorail to your home
  Checkmate, baby
  God bless us and our home
  Where ever we roam
  Now take us home, flaquito
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  The flower looks good in your hair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  Nobody said it was fair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  The flower looks good in your hair
  Latino caribo, mondo bongo
  Nobody said it was fair
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