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Sentimental Heart – She And Him

Sentimental Heart – She And Him  第1张,She&Him又是一支符合当今欧美独立乐坛主流特质的乐团,比如说通过MySpace来进行推广,比如曲风的清新怡人,还比如其组成同样是以男女搭配、干活不累的形式,而且依然是男主内(制作)和女主外(演唱)。
以下就是具体的差异了。首先,来自美国加洲的Zooey Deschanel是位女演员,在2007年因为受邀参演Martin Hynes导演的第二部电影《The Go-Getter》(说做就做的人),因而天赐良缘的得以与电影原声制作人,同样也是来自加洲,却是出生于波兰的音乐人M.Ward展开了音乐上的合作,而且这一次还不同于她仅仅是在2003年的《Elf》(圣诞精灵)中的开声而已,而是干脆就地与M.Ward成立了She&Him这支乐团。 (网络整理
Sentimental Heart – She And Him  第2张,试听:Sentimental Heart - She And Him

Cried all night 'til there was nothin' more
What use am I as a heap on the floor?
Heaving devotion but it's just no good
taking it hard just like you knew I would,O-o-old habits die hard
when you got, when you got a Sentimental Heart
Piece of the puzzle, you're my missing part
Oh What can you do with a sentimental heart?,Cried all night 'til there was nothin' more
What use am i as a heap on the floor
Heaving devotion but it's just no good
Taking it hard just like you knew I would,O-o-old habits die hard
When you got, when you got a sentimental heart
Piece of the puzzle, I'm your missing part
Oh what can you do with a sentimental heart?
Oh what can you do with a sentimental heart?
Oh what can you do with a sentimental heart?,试听:Sentimental Heart - She And Him

Cried all night 'til there was nothin' more
What use am I as a heap on the floor?
Heaving devotion but it's just no good
taking it hard just like you knew I would
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