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Rachael Yamagata – Duet

Rachael Yamagata – Duet  第1张,父亲是日本移民,母亲是德国、意大利混血,身兼三种血液的Rachael Yamagata从一出生起,就要比旁人多了一种博大精深的文化优势,山形瑞秋的日本名字或许还只是一种风雅,但骨子里那种东方式神经质的线条,却注定了她与同类女歌手竞争时的先天优势。19岁加入芝加哥的Funk乐团Bumpus,但她多元化的性格里却显然无法容忍被限制于一种音乐风格的拘束里,对她曲风有影响的倒是她和乐团吉它手男友的分手,使她以更感性化的情爱刺激为基础引导出自己的音乐走向。 她每一声沙哑的哀怨,转折时的嗓音变形和高音爆音喷泄时的飞沙走石都能将这些元素一一理顺,成为仇恨的所有因子,也难怪她的前男友会被她的歌声给弄哭了!(网络整理),试听:Rachael Yamagata - Duet
Oh Lover, hold on
'till i come back again
for these arms are growin' tired,
and my tales are wearing thin,if you're patient I will surprise,
when you wake up i'll have come,All the angerwill settle down
and we'll go do all the things we should have done,yes i remember what we said
as we lay down to bed
i'll be here if you will only come back home,oh Lover, i'm lost
because the road i've chosen beckens me away,oh lover, don't you rome
now i'm fighting words i never thought i'd say,but i remember what we said
as we lay down to bed
i'll forgive you oh
if you just come back home,hmmm mmmm
hmmmm mmmm,Oh lover, I'm old
you'll be out there and be thinking just of me,and i will find you down the road
and will return back home to where we're meant to be,'cause i remember what we said
as we lay down to bed
we'll be back soon as we make history.,试听:Rachael Yamagata - Duet
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