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《真爱至上》主题曲Christmas is All Around

《真爱至上》主题曲Christmas is All Around  第1张,老外的贺岁片圣诞电影《真爱至上》,这是一出10个爱情故事窜成的喜剧杂烩。大牌云集,憨豆也有客串。,电影开头就是Billy Mack灌录改编的圣诞歌曲Christmas is All Around,简单的歌词,朗朗上口的旋律,快乐就是这么轻而易举。,电影以圣诞前的伦敦为舞台,讲述了十个各自独立发展但是又相互牵连的爱情故事,有的浪漫,有的伤感,有的滑稽。电影开头是一段很感人的独白和一幕幕温馨的场景,拥抱、笑脸、爱...... ,每当我对世界的现状感到担忧,我就会想到希思罗机场的接机厅。很多人都开始觉得我们生活在仇恨与贪婪中,但我并不这么认为。在我看来,爱无处不在。通常它并不光辉夺目或者具有新闻价值,但它始终存在——父子,母女,夫妻,男朋友,女朋友,老朋友。飞机撞上双子楼的那一刻,据我所知没有一通来自航班上的通话传递的是仇恨或复仇——全都是,爱的讯息。只要你用心去看,我觉得你会发现,实际上,爱无处不在。
Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all Around.,感人的表白视频:,试听:Christmas is All Around-Billy Mack

I feel it in my fingers,
I feel it in my toes,
Christmas is all around me,
and so the feeling grows,It's written in the wind,
It's everywhere I go,
So if you really love Christmas,
C'mon and let it snow?,You know I love Christmas
I always will
My mind's made up
The way that I feel
There's no beginning
There'll be no end
Cuz on Christmas,
You can depend
You gave your presents to me
And I gave mine to you
I need Santa beside me
In everything I do,You know I love Christmas
I always will
My mind's made up
The way that I feel
There's no beginning
There'll be no end
Cuz on Christmas,
You can depend,Cuz on Christmas,
You can depend,It's written on the wind
It's everywhere I go
So if you really love me
C'mon and let it snow?
C'mon and let it snow?
So if you really love
C'mon and let it
If you really love me
C'mon and let it
Now if you really love me
C'mon and let it snow?,电影开头就是Billy Mack灌录改编的圣诞歌曲Christmas is All Around,简单的歌词,朗朗上口的旋律,快乐就是这么轻而易举。
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