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清新活力The Sun Is Gonna Shine On You…And Me

清新活力The Sun Is Gonna Shine On You…And Me  第1张
推荐这首《The Sun Is Gonna Shine On You...And Me》,这是来自瑞典斯德哥尔摩清新吉他乐队The Charade的首张专辑《The Best Is Yet To CoMe》,单是看到唱片封面绿色背景上绽放的白色小花,便会让精神为之一振。这首歌非常适合于阳光明媚的早晨来听,对比一些其他的小清新歌曲,更多地充满了一种清新的活力,加强了节奏感,将阳光直接散落在心上。
The Charade的歌是简单而甜美的,如此活泼可爱、细巧伶俐的声音无懈可击,令人回味的歌词,轻盈的节奏让人听了仿佛置身于无数令人愉快的泡泡中,更会让你觉得轻松美好的生活就在耳边。,试听:The Sun Is Gonna Shine On You...And Me-The Charade

Everything I do, make it up to You,
I can hardly see,
what comes over me
Faces I knew in the past,The ground I walk upon,
seems to crack and shiver,
words I think about leave me cold,
I quiver, love stinks and shadows emerge.,A new day will rise and the sun is gonna shine on you and me
The best is yet to come,I don’t know why I can’t see you before me
I don’t know how this can be that you fool me
Trouble is as nourishing as …
Love,Seasons come and go, if it’s rain or snow,
doesn’t matter when, living equals you.,Calling your name in my sleep,The songs I used to sing, It doesn’t mean a thing,
now that things have changed,
all those wasted years
Sunshine won’t reset your mind,The ground I walk upon,
seems to crack and shiver,
words I think about leave me cold,
I quiver, love stinks and shadows emerge.
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