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Boats&Birds-Gregory And The Hawk

Boats&Birds-Gregory And The Hawk  第1张
这首Boats&Birds选自专辑《The Boats&Birds》。看到这首歌的标题时,首先想到的是lady&bird。
Meredith Godreau,生长于纽约的布鲁克林的吉他演奏家,原音民谣的演绎者,Gregory and the Hawk是她成立于2004年的个人solo band,当然其中有她众多朋友的倾情协作。2005年发行了她的首张专辑《Gregory and the Hawk》,8首清淡素朴的曲子,完全的吉他原音,完全的浅唱低吟,Meredith的声音,稚嫩,柔软,充满弹性的童音气质,和技巧没有直接的关系。 ,Boats&Birds-Gregory And The Hawk  第2张,没有唱片厂牌,没有众多的协作乐手,没有极尽华丽的奢词繁调,Meredith这个短发的小女子有任性而天真的孩童气,在音乐品味的挑选上低调得有些固执,寂寞得有些清高。也许她的音乐是没有什么高深的技术含量的,甚至有些时候,连细微的细节也没有处理好。瑕不掩瑜,聆听时思维是缺乏理智的判断力的。当真挚的情感力量在音符间恣意流转时,神经被它轻易地一击而中,璞玉的流光一刹那照彻人心。温暖而明亮,瞬间让人泪流满面。(网络整理),试听:Boats&Birds-Gregory And The Hawk

if you'll be my star, i'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me and come out at night
when i turn jet black and you show off your light
i live to let you shine,but you can skyrocket away from me
and never come back if you find another galaxy
far from here, with moor room to fly
just leave me your stardust to remember you by,if you'll be my boat
i'll be your sea
a depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze
i live to make you free,but you can set sail to the west if you want to
and past the horizon til i can't even see you
far from here, where the beaches are wide
just leave me your wake to remember you by
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