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Love Is So Rare-Aselin Debison

Love Is So Rare-Aselin Debison  第1张,Aselin Debison,是一位年仅16岁的小女孩,来自加拿大新斯科细亚省的布里顿岬岛,一个充满著无限风情的小岛,在她的身上,你可以强烈感受到当地人们的纯朴善良。自小喜爱唱歌的她,并未受过任何专业的音乐训练,但她希望能藉由歌声为大家带来欢娱。 在加拿大国庆日上的表演,加拿大联邦总理Chretien赞誉她是下一位席琳狄翁。
这首Love Is So Rare选自专辑《Sweet Is The Melody》,这是艾丝琳的第一张专辑,曲风是自然清新的乡村民谣,也是她最想唱的歌。最特别的是三首大家熟悉的曲目“Moonlight Shadow”、“Over the Rainbow”和“What a Wonderful World”,全在艾丝琳重新诠释下,透露出来自原野的芳香,这是其他少女歌手望尘莫及的。另外“The Island”一曲,是布里顿岬岛的民俗岛歌,艾丝琳甜美可人的风貌再次体现,就连台湾史上最受欢迎的畅销绘画作家几米,在听了艾丝琳的歌声后,也不禁大为感动,赞誉她的音乐有一种大人没有的纯真与可爱,并将她的歌曲收录在她即将发行的音乐专辑《月亮忘记了》中。,试听:Love Is So Rare-Aselin Debison

Like a tiny seed firmly in the soil
Nurtured with a Love I think so Rare
Given room to breathe, given time to see
It’s now so clear to me
You were there, You were there,When I was just a flower afraid out in the forest
Hiding from the shadows all alone
I knew you’d be along, my faith in you was strong
Like our favourite song
To lead me home, you led me home,And with each changing season
I grow a little stronger
Rising up to touch the open sky
And if I gave you a reason not to hold me any longer
You gave me a thousand reasons why,You are my steady oak standing tall and strong
Protecting me with everything you have
And I know deep inside
I would not have survived
Without you by my side
Oh and I .... I love you dad,试听:Love Is So Rare-Aselin Debison

Like a tiny seed firmly in the soil
Nurtured with a love I think so rare
Given room to breathe, given time to see
It’s now so clear to me
You were there, you were there
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