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500 Miles-The Innocence Mission

500 Miles-The Innocence Mission  第1张
500 Miles,这首民谣有好几个版本。有人说:“如果Beatles的《Yesterday》是被翻唱次数最多的独唱歌曲的话,那么这首《500 Miles》,则完全有可能是被翻唱次数最多的重唱歌曲。”也许这首歌的魅力就在于忧伤的乡愁,让无数游子感伤和无奈。
这里推荐the innocence mission的《500 Miles》,选自专辑《Christ Is My Hope》 。美国的独立流行乐队Innocence Mission是Karen Peris与Don Peris这对相认于天主教高中唱诗班的夫妻档,加上贝斯手Mike Bitts。Innocence Mission 的音乐清澈有如森林深处从未被人发现过的一流灵泉。玻璃般玲珑剔透的钢琴、弦乐与吉他悠然响起,女主唱清澈灵透的嗓音,彷如梦境中传来的天籁。,试听:500 Miles-The Innocence Mission

If you miss the train l'm on,
You will know that l am gone
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred Miles
A hundred miles ,a hundred miles
A hundred miles ,a hundred miles
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles
Lord l'm one
Lord l'm two
Lord l'm three
Lord l'm four
Lord l'm five hundred miles
Away from home
Away from home
Away from home
Away from home
Lord l'm five hundred miles
Away from home
Not a shirt on my back
Not a penny to my name
Lord l can't go back home this way
lf you miss the train l'm on
You will know that l am gone
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles,
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