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爱尔兰之梦 Heaven Around Galway Bay

爱尔兰之梦 Heaven Around Galway Bay  第1张,爱尔兰民谣是凯尔特民谣的一个重要组成部分,其悠久的历史与古朴的音律至今仍吸引着一大批音乐人投身其中。代代相传的爱尔兰古老的歌曲和曲调至今仍是一种鲜活的艺术形式。到叫做Fleadh的传统音乐节一游会让你领略到这种音乐的生命力。爱尔兰人热爱音乐由来已久。旋律优美、具有浓厚生活气息和浪漫主义色彩的爱尔兰民歌、民谣蜚声世界。世界上没有任何一个国家像爱尔兰那样,每年举行那么多盛况空前的音乐节。 ,听惯了流行歌曲的油滑矫情,听多了繁华城市的喧哗骚动,你也会深深地迷恋于这切近生活的真实和快乐......,Heaven Around Galway Bay,选自爱尔兰音乐专辑《Dreams Of Ireland》(爱尔兰之梦),由Daniel O'Donnell演唱,试听:Heaven Around Galway Bay - Daniel O'Donnell

When they told me that Ireland was Heaven,
I said, "That's where I'm longing to stay."
Then an emigrant voice said "that's my land
if you please Sir, I'll show you the way.",You will see smiling faces that greet you
with a "Cead Mile Failte" at store
and the candle burns bright in the window
of a cabin with only one door.,When you see the moon rise over Claddagh
and the golden sand kisses the sea
then you're on the right road Sir for heaven
for it's heaven Around Galway Bay.,In the church on the hill in the moonlight
you can hear a sweet angel voice sing
It's the angel whose heart I might gladden
when I give her my gold Claddagh ring.,And the carling who smiles so divinely
at the sound of the bell stops to pray
just you turn and say"God let she kindly"
and to heaven she'll show you the way.,And the old-fashioned lady who greets you
says "Come in Sir, you're welcome to stay."
then you're on the right road Sir for heaven
for it's heaven around Galway Bay.,then you're on the right road Sir for heaven
for it's heaven around Galway Bay.,听惯了流行歌曲的油滑矫情,听多了繁华城市的喧哗骚动,你也会深深地迷恋于这切近生活的真实和快乐......
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