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华裔女歌手Corrinne May的《Same Side Of The Moon》是一首舒缓的歌曲,

华裔女歌手Corrinne May的《Same Side Of The Moon》是一首舒缓的歌曲,  第1张,在广州灰蒙蒙的夜空下,我很少有闲情逸致抬头欣赏月亮,似乎我的脖子好像已经习惯了向前倾的姿势,直到听到Corrinne May 的“Same side of the moon”……
那些不必分离,朝着同一个方向看月亮的人,应该算得上幸运了吧!那些相隔千里,却看到了月亮的同一面的人,则是弥足珍贵的。可是, 即便在同一个屋檐下,看到的也未必是月亮的同一面,这就是生活令人沮丧的地方 —— 人的旅途终究还是孤独的。尽管身处不同时空,然而有了月光联系便不觉寂寞的。
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Lyrics,Same side of the moon By Corrinne May
I'm looking out the window
Where we sat to watch the stars
There's a chill within the air
It makes my heart long for your touch
You may be miles away
But as I kneel to pray
I see the Same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on
When the world turns blue
And know that time and space
Can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see
All my tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I picture you across the oceans
In your corner of the world
I pray the wind will blow my voice
And gently whisper in your ear
Your night may be my day
And though the seasons change
It's still the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on
When the world turns blue
And know that time and space
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